Career Coaching

The intuitive path to a life waiting to emerge.


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More information about session cost.

My Coaching Principles
1. Energy Follows Intention

How we think about our world determines the energy we bring to it, which in turn shapes our world in very real terms.

2. Vision

Without a clear vision, life just happens to you. With a clear vision, anything is possible!

3. You are the expert

The coach is not the expert in your world – you are! My job is to help you discover the answers within you.

4. Self-awareness is necessary for change

Positive change in your life requires awareness of self (mindsets, blind spots, assumptions, patterns, strengths, resources, passions) and how self impacts and is impacted by the systems of which you are a part.

5. Change is a social process

 Self-awareness on both the individual and systems level requires meaningful interaction with others.

6. Coaching is about shifting

Change is about a person shifting their relationship to their challenges, to the systems of which they are a part, as well as their relationship to themselves.

7. Vision is not enough

Understanding must be followed by a plan of action that is both aspirational and achievable.

8. Intuitive ways of knowing

In our society we have a tendency to employ the same kind of thinking to solve problems, as the thinking that caused our problems in the first place. I help my clients access more intuitive, dynamic ways of knowing to move past blocks and achieve what they didn’t think possible.

Coaching works for those with a drive to learn, grow and thrive! I am blessed to be a part of your grand journey! 

Find out how career coaching can help you!
Schedule a FREE half-hour consultation with Corey Scott.
More information about session cost.

Corey Scott, M.A.

Corey Scott M.A. is an organization consultant, facilitator, trainer, career and leadership coach, and humble change leader. He is a masters graduate from Concordia University’s Human Systems Intervention program, part of the Applied Sciences department. This world-renowned program trains process consultants in individual and group learning, as well as change theories and methods. He has over ten years experience as a career counselor, and fifteen years in training, facilitation and change initiatives.

Corey writes: “My work is about helping individuals (and organizations) to move from ‘stuck’ positions where they perceive limited options, to a place of greater awareness where they can perceive multiple opportunities and understand the pathways they can take to make these opportunities reality. “

“My approach differs from most coaching programs in that I emphasize intuitive, dynamic ways of knowing to help my clients develop a clear vision of their future. At the same time, I help clients develop a stronger self-awareness, and an appreciation for how the systems (family, work, social circle) of which they are a part impact the change they are seeking to create. Once my clients have developed a clear and compelling vision of their future career, we drill down into the principles, structures, and practices required to enact their vision. We work together closely as we co-develop an action plan and stay on top of the plan until its realization.”

Find out how career coaching can help you!
Schedule a FREE half-hour consultation with Corey Scott.
More information about session cost.